How I spent 5 years and 7 months in medical school

 "Medical school is not that hard, everyone could do it"

Well, if you ever heard anyone saying that word or sentence, please hit them with a hammer or something on my behalf. 

Just kidding okay. 

I'm telling you, there is not a single thing that is easy squeezy in this life. one may need to sacrifice their time with their families. one may need to take up a huge loan just to finish medical school.

So, how was it? how was my medical school journey? is it fun? is it bad? how many "malignant" doctors that I've met? How many "difficult" patients that I had encountered within these past three years of my clinical year? How about the preclinical? Do we really need a massive brain's memory storage?

Let me tell you all about the ups and downs that I have gone through.

The First and Second Year 

These two years are quite... hectic. well, we have classes from 8.00 a.m. till 5.00 p.m. Three to four hours straight of lectures without a break are not that good. Plus, with a lack of ability to focus after being fed with abundant information at once; most of us just choose to turn our sweater into a blanket and take a nap in addition to a free noise background of the lecturer's lullaby. Yuck! It sounds boring, right? Haha. Nope. You do not have the leisure for feeling bored because all day you going to be anxious! The test is around the corner. Plus! we have a test almost every 2 weeks! But don't be scared and buried that dream of yours of being a doctor. You can still find some time to sneak out and have fun with your friends. Don't be too stressed out regarding exams. The most important thing is to get a "pass" on every test. But, if you aim to be the best student, then get ready to spend most of your time in the library or your rooms, because there are lots of topics for you to cover. 

At the end of the preclinical years, we have to sit for our first professional exam which comprises two years' worth of topics. Seems a lot. So, better start studying and understand the topics early.

Year Three, Four, and Five

Did you think waking up early for an 8.00 a.m. class is tedious? well, how about having to start your car's engine at 6.30 a.m.? Quite the "adulthood" vibes ain't it? 

Since the hospitals were located about 10 to 20 kilometers away from our college, we have to wake up super duper early to arrive at the hospital before 8. a.m. for the ward round with specialists and reviewing patients. Some doctors are nice, helpful, and, eager to teach us. and some; are not so friendly. So, make sure that you approach the friendly one if you want to learn and not be treated as a peasant with the lowest ranking in the strata.

How about the patients? are they welcoming enough? or are they going to shut their curtain and chase you away? well, that depends on their mood and your luck. Most of them are kind enough to be interviewed by you. So, don't worry about getting rejected, try other patients. there are a lot to choose from!

Clinical years will be fun if your friends and posting mates were tolerant and helpful. So, pray for good teammates okay! And, please, don't cry and make a tantrum if you're not in the same group as your best friends or housemates. Try to blend in with others okay. You can do this! 

Final professional exam? Well, pray hard that you will get a case that you've managed before. Because each student will be given random patients with random chief complaints and cases. Hence, if you got a case that you know well enough. It's easier for you to pass. 

All in all, medical school is tough, but it's one of the best things that had happened in my life. I learn a lot and grew up a lot. I had fun visiting multiple hospitals for learning purposes and learning firsthand from the specialist and doctors.

If you ever think about enrolling yourself in a medical school, just go for it! But make sure you have enough passion for it- because about 10% of us quit medical school before it ended. Support from families is needed. And money can be a serious matter too along the way because our books and equipment cost a fortune. Make sure you're ready before submitting that form okay.



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