How To Eat Like a Local in Malacca


“Food haven” is the correct terminology to describe Malacca. Everyone, that has stepped their foot in Malacca would be dying to come back again just for its food. However, for someone new to Malaysia, you sure need a guide on where and what to eat. Here are my top five recommended items to try whenever you visit Malacca.

1.      Cendol and Ais Kacang

Of course, on the top of the list would be Malaysia’s favorite dessert; Cendol and Ais Kacang. You should be informed that Malaysia is extremely hot and something cold and sweet is needed to quench your thirst and boost your energy to walk around. Why choose some typical vanilla ice cream at the convenience store when you can have a taste of an authentic local dessert.

As you walk by Jonker Street, you can see multiple stalls that sell cendol and Ais Kacang. Don’t be shy and give them a visit. You can even modify your Cendol and Ais Kacang! If you were interested, do read my posts about these refreshing delicacies.


2.      Nasi Lemak

Another Malaysian favorite; Nasi Lemak! Fragrance rice, cooked with coconut milk, to add that fattiness to each grain of rice plus the sweet and spicy ‘sambal ikan bilis’ I have eaten nasi lemak since I’m a child, and I’m never tired of it. Nasi Lemak Warisan which is situated near Malacca Mall is a must-visit. A classic Nasi lemak was served with sambal bilis, fried peanuts, and anchovies with an egg. Well, it’s Malaysia, and there’s nothing that you can’t add to your Nasi Lemak to add to the calorie count. My favorite will be Nasi lemak with sambal paru which is made from cow’s lungs. Yup. Lungs. If you’re up to something new and bizarre, don’t miss it okay.


3.      Ikan Bakar

Freshly caught fish from nearby Malacca Straits, cooked with local’s secret recipe. The fish was first covered with authentic local’s sauce, then covered with banana’s leaves and grilled. I can feel the saliva escaping from the corner of my lips as I wrote this. Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyong. Write that name on your notes so you won’t forget the name whenever you go for a visit. You can also try other menus like “Sotong Celup Tepung” (Deep fried cuttlefish) and “Ikan Tiga Rasa”


4.      Kuih Keria

Ever wonder what a local had as a dessert? Kuih Keria is made from sweet potato, fried with batter, and coated with ‘gula Melaka’. The sugary sweet dessert has its own fans who were willing to queue for almost one hour just to get a taste. I’m telling you, the kuih do worth the queue. If you hate queuing so much, then I would recommend you have a visit on weekdays. “Kuih Keria Antarabangsa” is my favorite go-to place for Kuih Keria so far and there are no other places that can beat their kuih keria.


5.      Asam Pedas

Asam Pedas. Like its name “Pedas”, the broth is spicy; thus, make sure that you prepare a glass of water by your side. Unlike curry, Asam Pedas is lighter and have no coconut’s milk in it. But the magic ingredients in Asam Pedas create its unique flavor. Bunga Kantan and Daun Kesum, which are Malaysia’s herbs are the secrets to this dish. There are many famous Asam Pedas in Malacca that you can go such as “Asam Pedas Pasar Borong” and “Asam Pedas Claypot”



Apart from these five dishes, there are other dishes that you can try too. Just ask the locals since they know the best. So, are you ready to visit and eat at Malacca like a local?


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