Second semester and First semester final exam

It has been almost 2 months since my final semester examination at 13 Feb.

All of you must be curious on how medical students final exam paper look like right?
Well, the questions are confidential and non of us can bring the exam paper out of the examination hall. So, I'm very sorry if you're here looking for exam questions and paper.

What I can do for you is only telling you on how the examination was held and how it looks like.

1. SAQ ( Short Answer Question)
This is the first paper that I took during my final examination, and it is students' worst nightmare paper. hehe. Why? Because this is the question when you have to remember all those steps of pathogenesis, mechanisms and action. You also have to read the questions thoroughly and understand it if not, the chances for you to get below 8/15 for the question is high. There are about 12 questions and each questions hold 15 marks. If you think 3 hours is long, you should think again, because I spent whole 3 hours just to answer and recheck my answer. NO extra time for me to sleep in the hall. huhu.

the question mostly related to the module guide, so just refer to your module guide okay?

 Example :
1. Describe the formation of action potential.
2. Describe the pathogenesis for polymyositis.

2. PBQ (Problem based question)
It is just like SAQ, but you were given cases like in your PBL. There are 4 cases and you were given 1 hour and 20 minutes to answer the questions. Each cases held 20 marks.

Example :
Alina went to Sunway Lagoon with her friends. The water is so cold that she shivers.
1. Describe how shivering occur.
2. what is shiver?

this exam is fun and intimidating at the same time. It was held in the lab, and we must bring our lab coat. there are 30 stations, and each station, you only got 4 minutes to read and answers the question.
Every station has different disciplines. 10 marks for every questions :3

there are 60 MCQs and 10 SBAQs. In MCQs, you have 5 statements in every question in which you have to answer true/false. For one correct answer, you will be given 1 mark and for one wrong answer, 1/2 mark will be deducted. So make sure you read the statements carefully. For SBAQs, you were given a cases or question and you must choose the BEST answer for that case/ questions. (I think this one is harder than the MCQs. Each correct answer, you will be given 5 marks. If you answer it wrong, no mark will be deducted. Just 0 mark for that question. Pretty cruel ain't it?

The questions are quite hard, but, think on the bright side, we can go 'jimba' and enjoy the holiday after the exam. :D

How about the second semester?

the answer is...horrendouus + dreadful. Durin the Progrees test, we usually only has MCQs and SBAQs. But now, we have MCQs, SBAQs, AND SAQ! On top of that, we only had 3 weeks apart from one module to another module with no gap/study time before the exam. Eg: today you got classes, tomorrow already exam, which the topic you learn today will be in the exam. Worry not, everyone is as anxious and depress as you are. So, never give up and work harder and smarter for better result!

That's all for today, have a good day everyone.

                                      my housemate, Jannah, sleeping in the lecture hall.

               Fefeeling gorgeous during outing. Have fun guys! If you were stressed, go out and release it with your friends. Don't bottle up your emotions.


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